Edenton Gas Clean-Up
The former Edenton General Store located at 6805 SR-727 historically distributed gasoline to customers. After the store closed, the underground tanks which stored the fuel were left in the ground unattended. In March 1989, it was discovered that the fuel tanks were leaking and had caused substantial contamination to both soil and groundwater in the area.
In 2017, Patriot Engineering and Environmental, Inc. entered into an agreement with the Township Trustees to apply for a grant from the State of Ohio through the Development Services Agency’s Abandoned Gas Station Cleanup Program to fund the necessary assessments to define the magnitude of the release. In 2017 an assessment grant was awarded, and the extent of the release defined.
Upon completion of the assessment, it was determined that the release had migrated beyond the property boundary and impacted adjoining properties. The extent and degree assessment work was approved by the State in August 2019. Once approved, Patriot designed a remedial solution to clean the contaminated soil and groundwater. The State approved the remedial approach, and a second grant was awarded to the Township in 2021to remediate the release.
In March 2021, the former general store was razed. In April 2021 soil and groundwater remediation was implemented. The remediation is being completed in-situ via chemical oxidation and biological remediation. The estimated time required for the remedial measures to clean the release is estimated to be 12 to 18 months. The remedial progress is being monitored to validate the cleanup progress
The Wayne Township Community Center is located at 6306 State Route 133 Goshen, OH 45122. For information about renting the Community Center please contact Sandra Borchers at 513-625-7504. Below is the Community Center Rental Agreement.
Coming Soon!
Rental will be available for the Newtonsville Administrative Building and Township Hall and the Newtonsville Shelter.
The Newtonsville Waste Water Treatment Plant information can be found on the County website: News | Clermont County Water Resources Division (clermontcountyohio.gov)